Tristan Hantschel

Hello there! I'm Tristan.

I’m a Level Designer with over 4 years of experience, driven by curiosity & optimism. Since entering the industry, I’ve worked on a variety of games for diverse audiences and clients, that shipped on platforms like Nintendo Switch, Mobile and Meta Quest. Additionally, I am a juror in various game award committees and like to share knowledge in talks and workshops.

Nintendo Switch & PC | Adventure Game | Level Designer
Meta Quest | VR Educational Game | Level Designer
Mobile (iOs) | Museum Game | Game & Level Designer
Smaller Projects, Game Jam Entries and course work

Other activities

Public Speaking

“Crash Course Game Design”
Workshop for RuhrTalente 2024

“Affordances & Signifiers in Level Design (Revised)”
Talk at the Indie Outpost 2024

“15 Things I (wish I had) Learned in Game Design School”
 Talk at the GermanDevDays & devcom 2023

“Ernste Spiele in ernsten Zeiten?”
Guest on Panel Talk at the VIDEOcamp 2022

“Ludisches Lernen – Eine Einführung in die Entwicklung von Serious Games”
Workshop for the GameBase Saar  2021

“Serious Play & Playful Work”
Guest Lecture at the Zeppelin University 2021

“Affordances & Signifiers in Level Design”
Workshop for the Sudanese Game Collective 2020

“LEVEL UP! – Einführung ins Game Design”
Workshops for the sk stiftung jugend und medien 2019-2021 (twice annually)

Jury Work

Award Jury at the Indie Cup Europe2024
Selection Committee at the AMAZE Awards | 2020-2024
Award Jury at the Deutscher Entwicklerpreis | 2021-2023

Podcast Host

Since 2021, I’ve been hosting the “Play at Work” podcast, where I interview various developers from all areas of the games industry. Currently on hiatus.

Student Council | 2017-2020
As a member and later as the chairperson of the student council (Fachschaft) I organized events, mediated between students and staff, facilitated elections, and made an effort to improve the study experience at the Cologne Game Lab.
Event Volunteering

Devcom | 2022
Indie Arena Booth @Gamescom | 2019
Berlin Games Week | 2019 
Devcom | 2019 
Womenize! Games and Tech | 2018  
Next Level Festival 
| 2018


Let's talk!

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions regarding my work or want to book me for a talk/workshop. I love meeting new people, exchanging ideas, and making friends along the way!